His fast decisions lead him to marry Juliet after meeting her 24 hours earlier. Romeo comes from noble birth and has the tragic flaw of being impulsive and having a fair share of hubris. In William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo Montague, the male protagonist, is an excellent example of a tragic hero. Romeo Montague Romeo Montague via Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain His pursuit of these things causes him to put himself and his love interest in danger. Gatsby’s tragic flaw is his unbridled desire to reach the American Dream, including great wealth and a specific woman. This unrequited love causes the reader to pity Gatsby, yet it takes him down a tragic path. Sadly, he finds that she is married, and the tale tells how he works to fashion his life so that he will regain the lass. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is a young millionaire who wants to find Daisy, a woman he loved before going off to war. He punishes himself by gouging out his own eyes, which ends the plague but shows his tragic ending. Unbeknownst to him, the previous king, Laius, was someone he had unknowingly killed many years earlier. A prophecy tells him he can do so if he punishes the man who killed the previous king. Oedipus sets out to rid the kingdom of a terrible plague. It is this pride that draws King Oedipus down a fatal path. In the play, Oedipus suffers from one of the most common tragic flaws the condition of hubris. In the Greek play Oedipus Rex by Aristotle, the title character is, in fact, a tragic hero. To understand this character’s role in literature, looking at tragic hero examples can help. the downfall of Walter White in Breaking Bad Suffer a downfall or death due to their tragic flaw e.g.Be of noble or high birth or hold a position of leadership, e.g.To fit the tragic hero model, a character archetype must: Peripeteia: A reversal of fortune, usually a downward turn Catharsis: The feelings of fear or pity a tragedy brings to the audience.ĥ. Anagnorisis: The moment of realization a character experiences.Ģ. The Greek philosopher Aristotle defined the concept of the tragic hero in Poetics, and he used five terms to describe this type of character.