Then for a Mac you are supposed to open a terminal and drag the file into the terminal to get it to play but I haven't gotten that part to work, yet. I believe it is something different for a PC. cmd file when I download it on my Mac though I think it should be a. You can click on that link to grab the file. I've had it take about 14 hours for the replay to show up, though that appears to be unusual. It will then wait for and show a message like "you have requested a recording" and then IIRC it eventually says it is recording.Īfter you are done with your game you should be able to refresh your data again and it will show that you have a Replay. That should (should being operative as I've had it fail at least once) show you your current game and there will be a relatively small button on the right side of the window that says Record. Then start a game and when you are in the champion load screen tab out of the client to your browser and find the button that says Refresh Data. You have to open op.gg in your browser and search for you summoner name while on the proper region. I haven't gotten op.gg to work for me, yet (still getting used to a Mac), though I have got it make replay files that I can download.