To be issued to allow for the conduct of testing and analytical services for the purpose of improving or further developing medicinal cannabis Where a person applies for a Research and Development License and the license is issued, that person shall also receive an import and export license which shall only be used for purposes in connection with the Research and Development License. To be issued to allow for the conduct of scientific research for the purpose of improving or further developing cannabis for medical purposes, therapeutic or scientific purposes To be issued to allow for the growing, harvesting, drying, trimming, curing or packaging of medicinal cannabis There are four (4) tiers attached to a Cultivator License regarding area of land: All fees are quoted in Barbadian Dollars.All applicants approved for a medicinal cannabis license can pay in three installments.All licenses are valid for five (5) years.

$200 (tier one cultivators and processors) Retail Distributor (Therapeutic Facility) Laboratory License (eligible of an Import & Export License) Research & Development License (eligible of an Import & Export License)